Inner Stance is where the entire game gets won or lost. Without a strong Inner Stance there isnothing to create from. Without a strong Inner Stance there is nothing to resolve from.
Some people constantly try to substitute a strong Inner Stance with more information, improvingtheir personalities, more social media marketing, and spending insane amounts of money on variousdistracting activities. It never works.
People with chronically weak Inner Stances often bounce from one self-help guru to the next self-helpguru. It never works.
The worst thing you can do if you’re not willing to create a strong Inner Stance is to lie about it. Thereis nothing more painful to watch than a lame entre-preneur with low commitment and a big ego.
How this shows up is that the person won’t confront the necessary required actions to achieve theirdesired objectives and will swap these required actions for a lot of frenzied and weak activities.Sometimes the person will accomplish just enough to keep them from having to get a job. This results in a stressful life full of desperation for themselves and their loved ones.
A strong Inner Stance results in a life where one is willing to be who one needs to be to live in a potent and effective manner.
A weak Inner Stance influenced by a big ego results in a life of pretense and low results.
It takes a lot of guts and stamina to create and live out of a strong Inner Stance. The price is worthit. The cost of not doing so leaves one struggling to find “the next new thing” that will give them thatelusive, substantive, and vital life.
– Dusan Djukich